Perimenopause and Menopause
can be hard.
But they don’t have to be.
Balance your hormones naturally and effectively with our holistic approach.
Insomnia, hot flashes, night sweats, joint pain, anxiety, thinning hair, acne, weight gain. These are all signs of hormone imbalance.
Whether you are in perimenopause, menopause, have a metabolic condition, adrenal fatigue, PCOS, endometriosis, or fibroids, we can help you feel like yourself again.
Natural Hormone Balancing
One-on-one consultation and thorough evaluation
Dr. Zhou will work with you to identify YOUR unique pattern of hormone imbalance. This approach identifies the root issue creating the imbalance and seeks to heal your body at the deepest level. Hot flashes and night sweats? Brain fog and fatigue? Acne and digestive issues? Your treatment will be specific to resolving your particular symptoms.
Custom treatment plan
Dr. Zhou will design a custom treatment plan incorporating acupuncture, Chinese herbs and simple lifestyle advice to guide your body back to balance. Your body WANTS to be healthy, balanced and thriving. His holistic, non-pharmaceutical based treatments remind it how to get there. Just as we are all individuals, hormone balancing is unique to each person.
Ongoing support and guidance
Dr. Zhou treats the whole person with a focus on how you FEEL. He will be available to you at every step of the process, whether it be in-person at your office visits or in between visits via email. The goal is for you to achieve significant symptom reduction and start feeling like yourself again. He is committed to guiding you back to balance and has an extensive history of clinic success.
Have questions?
Want more information? Not sure if this is right for you? Reach out via our from and we will be in touch to answer your questions and discuss whether this is a good fit you.
"It felt like Dr. Zhou got to the root of my issues on the very first day. I began feeling better that same week."
What are the symptoms of hormone imbalance?
Before menopause is even on the horizon a woman can spend up to 7 years in perimenopause. Hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, anxiety, irritability, weight gain, adult acne, joint pain are all symptoms of declining estrogen and progesterone and can happen during this time. Other conditions such as endometriosis, PCOS, metabolic disease can also produce similar symptoms.
What are the benefits of natural hormone balancing through acupuncture and herbs?
Many women choose not to pursue HRT or hormone replacement therapy for a variety of reasons. Many women are not candidates for it because of a history of hormone related breast and uterine cancers. We offer an alternative that is safe for everyone and very effective for relieving symptoms. We target the root issue, such as an underperforming adrenal system, to give lasting results and relief.
How is Odenton Acupuncture different ?
We are committed to your healing. We spend an average of 35 minutes of face-to-face time with our patents at each appointment. This is FIVE times longer than most general practitioners. We recognize that healthcare is not a one-size-fits-all commodity. It’s about building true relationships with our patients and seeing them for the individuals that they are. This is human-centered medicine.